Monday, July 29, 2013

Healthy Spin on Lunchables

Hello friends!  Summer is in full swing now...its almost August!  I don't know about you all, but its been one crazy busy summer so far.  The kids have been in one camp or class after another and its kept us on the go a lot of the days.  Many of those days, we had lunch in the car or at the park in between camps.  I know I would get bored with a sandwich everyday, so I try to mix things up for them too.  But, with one picky eater, its really challenging sometimes!  They both always ask me for lunchables when we go to the grocery store..but those things are SO bad for you.  I'm not even sure if the lunch meat or cheese in those is real...and it is definitely full of preservatives and chemicals they don't need to be eating.  And I am always the bad guy who says no.

So...I came up with a new version that is healthy and still fun for the kids.  I bought all the ingredients separate and then made them their own lunchables.  I started with some crackers, usually Kashi Original 7-Grain.  They have some really good gluten free options too if you prefer.  The twins love salami so I get the Applegate Organics Uncured Salami.  They are perfect because they are small enough to fit on the crackers! Cheese is the easy part, just get whatever kind your kids like best.  I buy the Horizon Organic Cheddar slices and just break them into smaller squares.  And voila...homemade, healthy, organic lunchables!  Happy lunching!!!


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